Cycle no. five
2020, 2 columns each 18 x 18 x 330 cm, black plant based plastic, digital mixed flow fans, mini computer, code, electronic components, wood.
Created for CARESSER LES MURS at Studio A Paris, curated by Lou-Justin Tailhades and Christophe Delavault.
"In Cycle no. Three and Cycle no. Five Daniel Hölzl employs site-specific works with similar whimsical effect. Two inflatable pillars create an intervention to the space. The viewer is forced into cycles of waiting, expectancy and surprise as the pillars inflate and deflate but the binary nature of the pillars invite the questions–for which version of pillar are we waiting, and why? The presence of two tubes, which rise and fall sometimes out of sync, sometimes concurrently, also hint towards the duality of the viewer/viewed paradigm and its relative power dynamic. The use of plant based and recycled bin bags in the construction of the piece is a timely consideration of the materiality of plastic. Recontextualised within this piece, it allows us to evaluate how the reuse of materials can shift their narrative from simply linear to something more dynamic. It attempts to go beyond a simple exploration of temporality, but rather offers a varied insight to how we, as humans, relate to experiences which are bound or defined by temporal constraints."
- Marc James Gough